Scheduled Downtime
On Tuesday 24 October 2023 @ 5pm MT the forums will be in read only mode in preparation for the downtime. On Wednesday 25 October 2023 @ 5am MT, this website will be down for maintenance and expected to return online later in the morning.
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  1. H

    why would temperature change on changing anthropogenic and biomass emissions in CESM2.1.3 when setting is: "chem_rad_passive = .true."

    I found the change in emissions is also changing the surface temperature even when the passive radiative forcing is True (chem_rad_passive = .true.). I am not sure what is driving this change in temperature in CESM2.1.3 (FMOZ compset; CAM4-Chem, CLM5). Are there any control options...
  2. M

    Failure in trying to reproduce a SSP585-ESM simulation with CESM2 done at Cheyenne

    Hi CESM experts, I work at the Institute for Marine and Atmospheric research Utrecht (IMAU) in the Netherlands and I would like to rerun the following CESM2 case (b.e21.BSSP585_BPRPcmip6.f09_g17.CMIP6-esm-ssp585.001) which was run at machine Cheyenne...
  3. H

    error when running ./case.submit, reporting a useless suffix: --resubmit

    Hi everyone. When I execute the command in CESM2.1.3: ./case.submit It report an error as below. But, if I submit my simulation using the command: pjsub The model can work. Here, I understand this suffix '--resubmit' is useless, as I do a 'startup' simulation with the resubmit option...
  4. N

    CESM crashes!

    Hi there, I am trying to run CESM2.2.0. in Stampede2 TACC system. The model compiles, builds, and gets the data fine. But when I try to submit the sbatch script, it gives me the following message in the log file. Any idea about what is going on?
  5. Z

    How to modify inputdata in user_nl_docn?

    Hi everybody, when I running CESM2.1.3 ( --res f09_f09_mg17 --compset 1850_CAM40_CLM50%SP_CICE%PRES_DOCN%DOM_MOSART_CISM2%NOEVOLVE_SWAV ), I am going to use my own modified SST data to replace the original data of the model which is ''. However, the...
  6. J

    Unable to build case with MUSICA regional refinement grid

    Hi all, I've made a regionally-refined grid using MUSICA by following the steps in the tutorial. However, fails with: ERROR: Could not initialize Grids when I try to build the case. It's a case using the FCHIST compset and I'm running CESM2.2.0 on Cheyenne. I'm not sure where to...
  7. J

    ERROR: component_mod:check_fields NaN found in ATM instance: 1 field Sa_z 1d global 452: index: 4767

    Hi all, I have a user-defined CESM2.2.0 compset on Cheyenne which runs fine. However, after changing the initial condition files used, it fails to run beyond the first timestep with the following error in cesm.log: ERROR: component_mod:check_fields NaN found in ATM instance: 1 field Sa_z...
  8. J

    Previously successful run crashes after 18 years

    Hi all, I'm running a coupled atmosphere-ocean compset in CESM2.2.0 on Cheyenne. I have successfully run this compset for 10 years - in the next run of 10 years it crashed at year 18. The error in the cesm.log is: WHL, oc_tavg_helper is already associated; reset the tavg fields 0: sysmem...
  9. J

    How to switch off a namelist variable

    Hi all, I'm trying to build a transient run based on an existing non-transient run I made previously. The problem I am having is trying to turn off 'ext_frc_cycle_yr', 'srf_emis_cycle_yr', etc. The model doesn't run because these values are fixed at 2010, even though I have not set them in...
  10. J

    Model parameters do not match initial dataset parameters

    I am receiving the following error after starting a run, before the first timestep occurs, at the ingestion of the inital data file that I'm pointing to via NCDATA in user_nl_cam: read_initial: model parameters do not match initial dataset parameters Model Parameters: plon = 1...
  11. J

    Running 2015-2100, rather than 2000-2100

    Hi, I would like to do a transient run of CESM2.2.0 over the period 2015-2100 using SSP3-7.0. I plan to use a transient land use change scenario in CLM5 ('flanduse_timeseries'). However, the namelist setting 'sim_year_range' in CLM5 only permits running over the period 2000-2100. As I'm not...
  12. L

    Case Run Error

    I just started learning how to use CESM. I have successfully ported CESM2.1.1. And the test ran successfully at that time. Today, I tried according to the official website case, but there was an error in the final operation. This is my case:./create_newcase--case Exercise1 --res f19_g17...
  13. J

    error in case.submit

    Hi all, I was able to successfully build a case but when submitting the case I got errors messages. I am not sure what is the problem. Do you have any suggestions for me to try? Thanks very much for your help, jia
  14. Z

    Errors in ./ of CESM2

    Hi, I'm new to CESM2. Now I have errors in ./, the errors are as follows: Creating component namelists 2022-06-08 15:32:12 atm Calling /global/home/zhanggw/CESM2/my_cesm_sandbox/components/cam//cime_config/buildnml ...calling cam buildcpp to set build time options CAM...
  15. D

    CESM run stuck at remap (shr_strdata_init_mapping) calling shr_dmodel_mapSet

    Hello! I am facing problems when using high-resolution atmospheric forcing (1440 x 721) in the datm component while running NEMO-CICE configuration. Initially, with my default flags for compilation, it showed a segmentation fault. The message was "[n086:344621:0:344621] Caught signal 11...
  16. J

    qsub error on Cheyenne

    Hi all, I'm working on Cheyenne and currently can't submit anything into the batch queue. When I run qcmd -- ./ to compile a model run (CESM2.2.0), I get: Connection refused qsub: cannot connect to server (errno=111) Error: PBS could not successfully...
  17. J

    CESM2 crash without obvious error message

    Hi all, I have a CESM2.2.0 run on Cheyenne which crashes after submitting, but I can't see an obvious error source. It's a land-atmosphere only run based on the FC2010climo compset. The error message in the cesm log is the usual: 0:MCT::m_Router::initp_: GSMap indices not increasing...Will...
  18. S

    Porting CESM2 to a machine with Slurm but no module manager

    Hello, I am currently attempting to port CESM (v2.1.1) to a new machine which uses Slurm for queue management, but which does not use a module system. As such, I am struggling to understand how I can supply information about my environment to CESM when running a case. I am able to set up a...
  19. J

    Effect of CO2 on C4 grass biomass and fires

    Hi all, I have done some runs with CLM5 in land-only mode and have a result I'm not sure how to explain. The runs are at 0.5deg resolution over a regional domain covering sub-Saharan Africa over the period 2015-2100. We have used SSP3 anomaly forcings and done runs with CO2 increase only, CO2 +...
  20. T

    Issue with setting up CESM on new system

    Dear CESM community, We have been trying to set up CESM v2.1.3 on the new system at our institute but we're facing a lot of problems. As it stands now, we are able to create a case and build it successfully. When we submit the job, an error shows up (segmentation fault) in the log files...