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On Tuesday 24 October 2023 @ 5pm MT the forums will be in read only mode in preparation for the downtime. On Wednesday 25 October 2023 @ 5am MT, this website will be down for maintenance and expected to return online later in the morning.
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  1. C

    Issues downloading input data in clm5 single point mode

    I'm having some issues downloading input data. I am following this page to do a single point clm 5 run on cesm 2.1.5. I know support for specifying PTS_LAT/PTS_LON in create_newcase was dropped from cime at some point, but I can just change it after the case is created. # create the test...
  2. J

    CLM5 run fail - dtlimit issue

    Hi all, I have a transient historical run in CLM5 starting in 1901 which fails after the first few timesteps or so. The error in the atm.log is (shr_dmodel_readstrm) file ub...
  3. S

    Different results for two control runs with same configuration

    Hello, I am trying to run the "fixed sst" aquaplanet (compset QPC6 --res f19_f19_mg17) experiment on CESM 2.1.3. To explore if my control runs look the same or not I have conducted the same experiment twice without changing any configuration for 4 years and have discarded the first 6 months as...
  4. Qianye Su

    Question about v-wind variables for CFday and Amon

    Hello, I would like to ask about the difference between day and CFday in CMIP6, I downloaded the variable va of CESM2 amip experiment from CMIP6 official website, it is r1i1p1f1 table id there are two, one is Amon and the other one is CFday, why I used ncl's vinth2p to interpolate CFday, and...
  5. X

    Question about clm-cn

    Hi, I tried to run I2000CLM50CN composet for ten model years without making any modifications. However, when I checked the output TLAI or GPP, I found that its value was normal in the first year, but it began to decline rapidly in the second year and approached 0. I understood that this meant...
  6. C

    how to set the Initialization Time in CESM

    Hi,all! I look through the page and I want to know what's Initialization Time? For FHIST_BGC, the Initialization Time value is HIST. Does means the timeseries of inputdata is 1850-2000? If I want to set the Initialization Time by my own, the parameter is "RUN_STARTDATE"? Where can i find the...
  7. C

    The abnormal temperature variations by change fsurdata

    Hi,all. I changed the fsurdata of amazon area in the post. I run a control test using the default as F2000climo. the changed test using F2000climo,but I changed the fusrdata in amazon area. For the changed test, I spinup 50 years. And I continue to run 50 years. For the control test, i just...
  8. C

    Why cesm2.1.3 take so long?

    Hi,everynoe. I run a compsat F2000climo for 1 month. Till now, i took nearly 18hours. Why take so long? Here is my detial for run the model: Here is my time record:
  9. 1

    Porting error, CESM2.1.3

    Dear all, I am trying to set up CESM2.1.3 on a new cluster. Because I kept seeing the "NetCDF was not complied by the same version ..." error, I re-installed the NetCDF-c and Netcdf-fortran using the intel compiler. However, I now see a new error that says...
  10. J

    Output variables only in a given lat/lon range

    Hi all, This might be a question with a 1-word answer, but just in case it's not: Is it possible to set one part of the CESM2 to only save output within a given domain? I would ideally like to save a couple of fields from CAM at hourly temporal resolution but only between 40S and 80N. The...
  11. J

    Machine not found when trying to set up cpnrc

    Hi, I'm trying to install CESM2.1.3 on the UK HPC ARCHER2. I have successfully run checkout_externals so should have the model working, but apparently I need to set up a programme called cpnrc. When I run the command ../configure --macros-format=Makefile --mpilib=mpi-serial I get the error...
  12. C

    Preindustrial equilibrium temperature in CESM2.2 vs CESM2.1

    Hi, I'm running a fully coupled simulation at 2 degree resolution (compset: 1850_CAM60_CLM50%BGC_CICE_POP2%ECO%ABIO-DIC_MOSART_CISM2%NOEVOLVE_WW3_BGC%BDRD, resolution: f19_g17), as a hybrid run branching from year 401 of the 2 degree PI control (b.e21.B1850.f19_g17.CMIP6-piControl-2deg.001)...
  13. L

    Strange Error in CESM2 run: Error in input files

    Dear Sir/Madam, Hello! I am trying to use the PORT (Parallel Offline Radiative Transfer model) aiming to get the radiative forcing, following the instructions from Example: Using PORT to study flux differences due to 2 x CO2. I successfully passed the ./case.setup and ./ (with the...
  14. U

    An error in CLM5.0 mksurfdata process

    When I run ./ -r usrspec -hirespft -usr_gname 0.05x0.05 -usr_gdate 210328 to make surface map at 0.05 degree, there exist an error below ------------------------------------- Attempting to make Topography statistics..... domain_read_dims_1d read 1-d length from num_pixels...
  15. S

    CESM 2.1: Writing one variable to multiple streams (monthly and daily averaged files)

    I am trying to write out the variable WTT in both the monthly averaged and daily averaged files. As per this documentation I thought adding a _2 suffix is required if you want to write out the same variable in multiple output streams. For example, I have lines like these in the file...
  16. M

    Identifying appropriate tests and fixes for port of CESM 2.1 on a 40 core system

    We plan on using up to 40 cores on a linux cluster, with a focus on CESM 2.1 for short runs of a coarse resolution atmosphere model – see attached for the describe version file. (I was helped in forum posts around July.) I would like guidance on what tests of our installation should be run...
  17. U

    A question about running CESM 2.1.3

    I am a user of CESM2.1.3, I plan to study the land NPP from 1979 to 2015. But I'm confused about the spin up process of CESM2.1.3. The Fig.4(attach) in the article named The Community Earth System Model Version 2 (CESM2) is not easy to understand. If I want to run CESM from 1979 to 2015 at...
  18. G

    Bug/feature in cam_diagnostics.F90 produces wrong Q925 output

    Hello FYI I am using CAM from CESM 2.1. The code logic in cam_diagnostics.F90 near line 1413 is not correct, and produces a wrong Q925 output, which is nonphysical, follows the topography; has a range that straddles negative values; has near-zero values over the ocean, etc. That code logic...
  19. I

    WACCM-X crash at high solar activity - reduce time step?

    Hello all,I am running a CESM2.1.0 WACCM-X historical compset (FXHIST) on a HPC facility in the UK. My simulation ran successfully from 1950-01-01 until 1957-12-21, at which point it crashes. Sometimes the following error appears in the cesm and/or atm log file:SHR_REPROSUM_CALC: Input contains ...